Dom Arquitectura is a studio located in Barcelona, in which we deal with architecture, landscaping, interior design, ephemeral installations and renovations, both in Spain and in any other country.

We are interested in architecture that transmits sensations, simple and intelligent, rich in spaces, the study of lighting, the good use of materials, the integration of projects in their environment, whether natural, rural, urban or historical.

Understanding the relationship of each user with the project and solving their needs. The diversity of our projects gives us the experience, and allows us to learn day by day from each one of them.

We are particularly interested in sustainable architecture that respects the environment and tends to optimise costs and resources in construction.


Dom Arquitectura is a studio located in Barcelona, in which we deal with architecture, landscaping, interior design, ephemeral installations and renovations, both in Spain and in any other country.

We are interested in architecture that transmits sensations, simple and intelligent, rich in spaces, the study of lighting, the good use of materials, the integration of projects in their environment, whether natural, rural, urban or historical.

Understanding the relationship of each user with the project and solving their needs. The diversity of our projects gives us the experience, and allows us to learn day by day from each one of them.

We are particularly interested in sustainable architecture that respects the environment and tends to optimise costs and resources in construction.

Pablo Serrano Elorduy

Barcelona, 1979

He took the ‘Cátedra Blanca’ course with Carlos Ferrater, with whom he later collaborated in his studio in 2003. He graduated as an architect from the ETSAB in Barcelona in 2004. In 2005 he worked as an architect in the Scott & Brownrigg studio in London.

Back in Barcelona, he worked with the Bach Arquitectes studio until 2006, when he began his personal career as an architect, and in 2009 he created Dom Arquitectura.

The studio wins different competitions such as the one for the School of Music ‘Taller de Musics’ in Barcelona. In 2010 the studio started working on projects all over Spain and also in other countries such as Saudi Arabia, China, Angola, Brazil and the United Kingdom.

In 2014 he studied the Passivhaus module of the Master of Sustainable Design and Bioclimatic Architecture, for near-zero energy buildings. In 2015 he studied the module of Construction Techniques – Straw, Mud, Stone and Wood, of the Master of Sustainable Design and Bioclimatic Architecture.

BLANCA Elorduy

BILBAO, 1951

She studied Interior Design at the Escuela Llar de Interiorismo in 1972. She later worked as a teacher at the school. Since then she has been working as an interior designer with her own projects of interior reforms in premises, flats, offices, restaurants, and she also carries out various landscaping projects, gardens, single-family homes and renovations.

Pablo Serrano Elorduy

Barcelona, 1979

He took the ‘Cátedra Blanca’ course with Carlos Ferrater, with whom he later collaborated in his studio in 2003. He graduated as an architect from the ETSAB in Barcelona in 2004. In 2005 he worked as an architect in the Scott & Brownrigg studio in London.

Back in Barcelona, he worked with the Bach Arquitectes studio until 2006, when he began his personal career as an architect, and in 2009 he created Dom Arquitectura.

The studio wins different competitions such as the one for the School of Music ‘Taller de Musics’ in Barcelona. In 2010 the studio started working on projects all over Spain and also in other countries such as Saudi Arabia, China, Angola, Brazil and the United Kingdom.

In 2014 he studied the Passivhaus module of the Master of Sustainable Design and Bioclimatic Architecture, for near-zero energy buildings. In 2015 he studied the module of Construction Techniques – Straw, Mud, Stone and Wood, of the Master of Sustainable Design and Bioclimatic Architecture.

BLANCA Elorduy

BILBAO, 1951

She studied Interior Design at the Escuela Llar de Interiorismo in 1972. She later worked as a teacher at the school. Since then she has been working as an interior designer with her own projects of interior reforms in premises, flats, offices, restaurants, and she also carries out various landscaping projects, gardens, single-family homes and renovations.


Javier García-Mussons, Architect
Rubén Olmeda, Architect
Nerea Amorós, Architect
Carlota de Gispert, Architect
Ariana Estela, Architect
Izaskun Pérez de Ituarte, Architect
Ana Gutiérrez, Architect
Clara Caldés, Architect

Playtime 3d images
Vimworks 3d images
Carlos Hernandez 3d images
Quim Olea 3d images

Codi Estudi d’Arquitectura, Structures
Windmill, Structures

Planas Casadevall, Construction Manager
Ivan Gómez, Construction Manager
Albert Cusó, Construction Manager
Alejandro Valiente, Construction Manager
Joan Camps, Construction Manager
Miguel Á. Paz Leis, Construction Manager
Abdó Gonzalez, Construction Manager
Agustí Vidal, Construction Manager

Enginyeria Tescor
Teyle Ingeniería
Ingenieria Proserdom

Punto Luz, Lighting

Ego, Furniture Interior Design
Pilma, Furniture Interior Design
Luzio, Furniture Interior Design
Azul Tierra, Furniture Interior Design
Banni, Furniture Interior Design

Azul Acocsa part of Gunni Trentino
Traç Cuines
Arclinea – Clysa

Agencia Hache, Advertising Boutique

Pol Viladoms, Photography
Jordi Anguera, Photography

Thk Construcciones
Burgos Gasull
Gimeno Interiors
Palma 2000
Espais Cerdans
Silla Construccions
Horizon Lab

Elow Studio, Video
Carlos Garcia Bores, Video


Javier García-Mussons, Architect
Rubén Olmeda, Architect
Nerea Amorós, Architect
Carlota de Gispert, Architect
Ariana Estela, Architect
Izaskun Pérez de Ituarte, Architect
Ana Gutiérrez, Architect
Clara Caldés, Architect

Playtime 3d images
Vimworks 3d images
Carlos Hernandez 3d images
Quim Olea 3d images

Codi Estudi d’Arquitectura, Structures
Windmill, Structures

Planas Casadevall, Construction Manager
Ivan Gómez, Construction Manager
Albert Cusó, Construction Manager
Alejandro Valiente, Construction Manager
Joan Camps, Construction Manager
Miguel Á. Paz Leis, Construction Manager
Abdó Gonzalez, Construction Manager
Agustí Vidal, Construction Manager

Enginyeria Tescor
Teyle Ingeniería
Ingenieria Proserdom

Punto Luz, Lighting

Ego, Furniture Interior Design
Pilma, Furniture Interior Design
Luzio, Furniture Interior Design
Azul Tierra, Furniture Interior Design
Banni, Furniture Interior Design

Azul Acocsa part of Gunni Trentino
Traç Cuines
Arclinea – Clysa

Agencia Hache, Advertising Boutique

Pol Viladoms, Photography
Jordi Anguera, Photography

Thk Construcciones
Burgos Gasull
Gimeno Interiors
Palma 2000
Espais Cerdans
Silla Construccions
Horizon Lab

Elow Studio, Video
Carlos Garcia Bores, Video